Owner's Manual
We build our houses to outlast the typical home; to accomplish this goal, homeowners also need to keep up with the periodic maintenance which is why we provide homeowners with an owner's manual. Our manual covers the following topics:
- Finishes (paint and stain colors, type of sealers, etc.) used throughout the house and a schedule of when they should be re-applied
- High resolution pictures of the interior of all walls so if you every want to remodel you will know what is inside the walls before someone starts making holes. Pictures include measuring sticks as well.
- Site drainage plan and areas that need to be maintained to keep things right
- Contact information for plumber, electrician, and any specialty subcontractor that worked on your house
- Locations of all utility emergency shut-offs
- List of resources where you can find more information about general home maintenance
- Best practices for water and electricity conservation
- Pictures to aid in termite identification (low risk in this area)
- Appliance and fixture manuals
- Local recycling locations